Service Information

Community Link day programs and residential services are primarily funded by the Department of Human Services (DHS).  Other funding options for day program attendance include enrollment in an Intermediate Care Facility for Developmentally Disabled (ICF-DD) and Private Pay.

I Want to Attend a Day Program

In standard cases, Community Day Services (CDS, i.e. Day Program) is a fee-for-service model in which Community Link submits the number of hours that a person attended each month and then receives reimbursement from DHS based on the total hours at the rate that they set. Only individuals with Award Letters from DHS, which are awarded via being pulled from the PUNS list, can be billed this way.

I Want to Move into a Group Home

The most common DHS-funded group home format is through the CILA program (Community Integrated Living Arrangement), which allows for up to 8 individuals to live in a home that is staffed by a provider agency. DHS issues an Award Letter detailing how much a provider will get reimbursed annually for staff, room & board, and other expenses related to residential services. Only individuals with Award Letters from DHS, which are awarded via being pulled from the PUNS list, can be billed this way. 

I Want to Work in the Community

Job coaching funding is assessed and approved by the Department of Rehabilitation Services:
Belleville Office: 618-235-5300
In all cases, transportation for employment is the responsibility of the individual.


For more information or referrals to Community Link Services:
